Welcome to the Veterinarians of Animal Clinic Nootdorp
Primary and specialist care for companion animals and their people.
Looking for a ‘ Vet near me ‘?
Seven experienced Vets near me and at your service? – In our three animal clinics we deliver the best possible care for your pet!
We are a group of well-known, middle sized veterinary clinics with seven experienced Veterinarians in The Hague, Nootdorp and Wassenaar. Please feel free to find out about our Veterinarians by reading this extensive summary of our Dutch website text in the English language. You will find out about our opening hours, contact information, appointment only policy, all our services, emergencies and about the Nootdorp team. If you think your pet deserves the best, than please continue reading.
Animal Clinic Nootdorp is situated in the old heart of the village of Nootdorp. From this location we operate as Vet in the Nootdorp Region.
‘Dierenkliniek Nootdorp’
Dorpsplein 5-7
2631 CX Nootdorp
Tel 015-2579578
Free parking for two hours
Addresses of our two other branches:
Dierenkliniek Statenlaan
Statenlaan 19
2582 GA The Hague
Tel 070-3524221
Tel +31-70-3524221
Free parking till 1pm
Dierenkliniek Ter Weerlaan
Ter Weerlaan 8
2241 VB Wassenaar
Tel 070-5176545
Free parking

Opening hours and appointments Dierenkliniek Nootdorp
1. Making an appointment at Dierenkliniek Nootdorp
We work by appointment only. We take calls from 9am – 5.30/6.30pm. Please call for a consultation:
015-2579578 (+31-15-2579578).
2. Consultation hours Veterinarians of Dierenkliniek Nootdorp
We plan consultations on Monday: 9am – 12am and 2pm – 6.30pm
Tuesday: 9am – 10am and 2pm – 5.30pm
Wednesday: 9am – 10am and 2pm – 6.30pm
Thursday: 9am – 10am and 2pm – 5.30pm
Friday: 9am – 10am and 2pm – 6.30pm
To pick up medication, diet food, etc, we are open everyday from 9 am- 5.30 pm..
3. Operations and medical treatments for pets
Operations and medical treatments mostly are scheduled on Tuesday – Friday 10am – 1pm.
During operation times it can occure occasionally that desk and telephones are not staffed impeccable.
Please hold or try again later
Emergency Veterinarian
If your pet has a serious medical problem, please call your own veterinarian first.
If they are not available, the voicemail will tell you to contact the emergency service. The general number of the emergency service is:
Member of the “Dierenartsen Kring Haaglanden” –
Association of Veterinarians
The Hague region.
We require payments to be made at the end of each consultation, on discharge of your pet following hospitalisation or upon collection of medication or diet food. You may settle your account using cash or a debit (PIN) card.
Animal Clinic Nootdorp – What does a Vet do?
Of course we do vaccines, senior- and puppy checks and examination and treatment of sick animals. But besides that we offer extensive facilities for surgery, digital x-rays, dental care, subcutenous stiches, ultrasound and endoscopic examination, blood work and hospitalisation. If necessary or desirable, we make home visits to treat your sick pet.

Surgery and anesthesia
The most common surgeries are spays and neuters, removing of lumps and abdominal surgeries. If your pet needs surgery, you can make an appointment by telephone or in person. We will then inform you about fasting before surgery.
Dogs and cats are not allowed to eat anything (this includes treats!) from 8pm the day before the surgery. For rabbits, guinea pigs and other rodents there is no need to fast before anesthesia. We recommend blood work on cats and dogs older than ten before they undergo anesthesia, in order to determine their liver and kidney functions.
During the anesthesia we will monitor your pet’s heart, breathing, body temperature and oxygen concentration, which makes the surgery very safe. Of course your pet will also receive pain medication and antibiotics if necessary.
The surgical area will be shaved (the hair will grow back) and we will tell you afterwards if the stitches are dissolving or non-dissolving, in which case you’ll have to come back so we can remove them.
When your pet is fully awake and can walk, you can take them home. Some pets will need a cone collar or a medical pet shirt to prevent them from licking the wound. At home your pet can be a bit sleepy, keep them warm. Cats may become restless,
in that case keep them in a confined space (pet carrier for instance). Only after a couple of hours you can give them some food. You may give them small amounts of water as soon as you get home. If your pet needs medicines, you will generally only start giving them the next day. You’ll find the instructions on the box.
What to pay attention to?
Your pet should not become drowsier: the sleepiness should be gone within a day
Your pet should not vomit
There shouldn’t be any secondary bleeding from the wound (a few drops are normal)
Your pet shouldn’t lick, bite or scratch the wound
Your pet’s appetite and drinking should be back to normal within a day
Fever is not normal after surgery
The wound should look clean and neat
If you are worried about your pet, don’t hesitate to call us!
Dental care
Dental care is as important for your pet as it is for you! Dental plaque and dental tartar can cause infections which can lead to loose teeth and even infections of the kidneys, heart, liver and lungs. In order to prevent this from happening we advise pet owners to start brushing their pet’s teeth from a very young age. With a small soft brush and a special tooth paste for animals. Don’t use human tooth paste as the fluoride is toxic to your pet and the whiteners can upset the stomach. We can provide you with everything you need for the dental care for your pet, including advice.
If your pet has dental plaque and tartar, we will recommend a professional dental cleaning, which will be done under anesthesia. If necessary we can also take x-rays of your pet’s teeth.
Laboratory tests
Sometimes it is necessary to do blood work in order to determine what’s wrong with your pet. We have the equipment to make a quick blood analyis for blood sugar, kidney function and viral infections. For more complicated cases we cooperate with the University of Utrecht laboratory.
Besides blood work we can also examine your pet’s urine, faeces, skin scrapes or ear swabs.
Imaging and endoscopy
With our x-ray equipment we can determine fractures, wear and tear in the joints, abnormal development of the joints (such as elbow dysplasia and hip dysplasia) and besides that we can also image heart, lungs and other organs.
With ultrasound technology it can be easier to image the bowels and the heart. For some types of imaging we will refer you to an imaging specialist.
In our clinic in Wassenaar we have endoscopic equipment at our disposal to reach the best diagnosis for your pet. We can thoroughly examine the whole gastrointestinal tract, from esophagus to colon, and the upper airways. Some foreign bodies that your pet might have swallowed can even be removed through endoscopy.
We refer complicated cases to specialists such as dermatologists, oncologist, orthopedic surgeons, internists, ophtalmologists or specialised surgeons. We collaborate with specialists in The Hague, Amsterdam, Dordrecht, Gouda and of course with the Vet School at the University of Utrecht.
If your pet has a serious medical issue, please call your own veterinarian first. If they are not available, the voicemail will tell you to call the emergency service. The general telephone number of the emergency service is 0900-2226333
About us
‘Dierenkliniek Nootdorp’ is a primary veterinary clinic. Here we work with two veterinarians and two veterinary technicians. Our clinic has one modern operating theatre with gas anesthesia and heart monitoring equipment. For the recovery of rabbits and rodents we have a heated oxygen cage which diminishes the risk of anesthesia. For diagnostics we use a digital x-ray machine, ultrasound imaging and a laboratory. The clinic in Wassenaar has an endoscopic machine at its disposal.
Spays, neuters and lump removals are daily routine procedures for us. We are a member of the ‘Dierenartsen Kring Haaglanden’, the Association of Veterinarians in The Hague region.
It is of the utmost importance to us to make you feel completely comfortable handing the medical care for your pet over to us!
The team of Dierenkliniek Nootdorp
Benigna Pino – veterinarian
Born in Leiden in 1968 and has been a veterinarian since 1998. She is in possession of a small zoo, including a Large Swiss Mountain Dog, Terra, and a crossbreed Duck Toller retriever, Rekel. Both honor their name. Link to bio.
André Boersma – veterinarian
Born in Castricum 1966, graduated from Vet School at the University of Utrecht in 1991. After living and working as a vet in Madrid for three years, Andre started in 1994 our branch in Wassenaar, Dierenkliniek Ter Weerlaan. Link to bio.
Suzanne Ritzen – veterinarian
Born in Enschede in 1978, graduated from Vet School at the University of Utrecht in 2004. “I knew from a very young age that I wanted to become a veterinarian.” Suzanne lives in The Hague and likes cooking, running and travelling. Link to bio.
Melissa Posthuma – veterinary technician
Melissa was born in Rotterdam in 1988. In 2010 she completed her training veterinary technician in Barneveld and since August 1, 2013 she is working in the Nootdorp practice. Melissa is into dog photography, takes courses and does photo shoots on location. Link to bio.
Melissa van der Sluis – veterinary technician
Melissa was born in 1990 in Voorburg. She has been working as a veterinary assistant our animal clinic Nootdorp since 2015. She does animal trimming, also at the clinic, with great pleasure and loves to see the animals become happy and fresh again. Link to bio.
Dierenkliniek Nootdorp
Dorpsplein 5-7
2631 CX Nootdorp
Tel: 015-2579578
Parkeren 2 uur gratis
Dierenkliniek Statenlaan
Statenlaan 19
2582 GA Den Haag
Tel: 070-3524221
Betaald parkeren vanaf 13.00 uur
Dierenkliniek Ter Weerlaan
Ter Weerlaan 8
2241 VB Wassenaar
Tel: 070-5176545
Parkeren gratis